Their research entitled “Prompt Revascularizations vs. Intensive Medical Therapy for Chronic Total Occlusions of Coronary Arteries: Results from BARI-2D Trial” was accepted as an oral presentation in the American Heart Association Scientific Session in Chicago, find plumbing near me.
It will be
presented as an oral presentation in the “Surgical Revascularization
for Ischemic Heart Disease” session on Monday November 17, 2014 at 9:45
The moderators for the session are:
1. Marc Ruel, Ottawa, ON, Canada
2. A Pieter Kappetein, Rotterdam, Netherlands
In addition, their abstract entitled “Changes in “Hemoglobin After Pulmonary Artery Catheterization: Results From the ESCAPE Trial” was also accepted at the American Heart Association in Chicago 2014 for a poster presentation.